More than 25% of adults in the United States currently experience a disability.
An estimated 42 million Americans experience a disability that impacts their ability to communicate. This can include difficulty seeing, hearing, speaking, or processing information.
Every person has a fundamental human right to communicate, access information, and express themselves fully. People with disabilities face systemic barriers that can impede or deny their access to these rights. Too often, poorly designed systems and inaccessible environments deny Americans with disabilities the opportunity to experience equitable education, employment, healthcare, social programs, and other public benefits.
We have a responsibility to change our workplaces and organizations, to create new ways of working with and serving people with disabilities.

Are you part of a foundation or philanthropy?
Check out our series of resources that help you make your organization and grantmaking practice more accessible to people with disabilities.
Where do we start?
It can seem overwhelming. That’s why Ability Central is developing LearnAbility, a premium extension of the Ability Central Portal.

What is LearnAbility?
LearnAbility offers online education solutions that empower you to create accessible, inclusive environments for your practice or organization.
What does it offer?
Developed for professionals in a variety of industries, LearnAbility is an invaluable addition to your professional development toolbox.
We provide disability and accessibility trainings and courses, connecting nonprofit organizations developing this material with the professionals who need them.

Level up your skills.
Improve your communication, collaboration, and efficacy.
Boost your career.
Become a leader in access by creating inclusive environments for your patients, customers, and communities.
Add purpose to your work.
Develop a forward-thinking DEI strategy that attracts diverse constituents and colleagues.

Who is Ability Central?
Ability Central is a nonprofit working to expand communication and information access for people who are Deaf, disabled, and neurodivergent. Since 2010, we’ve granted more than $12.5 million to 200+ projects, serving more than half a million people with disabilities.
We also implement tech solutions that further our goal of an accessible future, including CRM consulting for organizations that serve people with disabilities. The Ability Central Portal, a comprehensive disability information resource, offers accessible data on mobile devices, disability support services nationwide, a library of disability content, and more.
Sign up to start your disability inclusion journey
LearnAbility is one more way we’re working to make the future more accessible and inclusive for communities of people with disabilities nationwide.